How To Add Google +1 Button To WordPress

So Google +1 is getting hot and Google is trying it’s all effort to push it harder. And the good news is that Google +1 counts are now one of the over 200 signals in the ranking. So it is better to stick in Google +1 button in your WordPress blog.

It is very easy to add Google +1 Button to WordPress thanks to Google’s tutorial on this – Google +1 Button.

From the above you can customize the look and feel of the Google +1 Button.

Google +1 Button Customization
Google +1 Button Customization

I normally choose medium size button as it is in line with rest of social media buttons.

It gives you 2 lines of codes.

Copy the first line of code into the footer.php file, just above closing body tag.

[sourcecode]<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>[/sourcecode]

Google has released a new asynchronous version of code which they claim is 3x faster than above. So use this tag instead of above

[sourcecode]<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var po = document.createElement(‘script’); po.type = ‘text/javascript’; po.async = true;
po.src = ‘’;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);

And the second part of code will go in the file where you wish to show the Google +1 Button.

[sourcecode]<g:plusone size="medium"></g:plusone>[/sourcecode]

I normally put social bookmarking button in posts only so I’ll stick it in single.php file.

The next part is to change the width of the button. By default Google +1 button width is set to 90px which you can override with the following css code.

[sourcecode]#___plusone_0{width:62px !important;}[/sourcecode]

62px works for me perfectly, you can change it as per your requirements.


One response to “How To Add Google +1 Button To WordPress”

  1. Shaun Avatar

    Your posts are amazing and the way you explain is so simple to follow.

    I’ve used some of your codes to add social bookmarking icons and find them very simple to integrate.

    Good work mate!

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